Sunday, May 11, 2008

How To Have A Lucid Dream!

Some people have lucid dreams easier than others. For me, it was very tough at first... Today, I have lucid dreams almost every night! (sometimes I have 2 or 3 a night!) What really helped me was keeping a dream journal and reinforcing beliefs about dreaming.

I really recommend the e-book "Lucid Dreaming The Easy Way". It was after reading this book that I had my first lucid dream. After that it really took off! Great book!

A dream journal is a journal that you keep all of your dreams in... (duh!) I write down every dream I have. My journal is about 4 notebooks long now and growing everyday. Some people think this is a little silly but it is really helpful!

You have to believe that you can have lucid dreams. I have friends that want to have lucid dreams but have a bad attitude towards lucid dreaming. I talk about all the amazing things I do in my lucid dreams and they just look at me with angry eyes. Lol! They will get it one day...

Lucid dreaming takes a little practice but anyone can do it! if you want to start having lucid dreams fast, keep a journal and just have faith. That e-book I recommended will speed up the process tremendously! It helped me a lot and will help you I am sure!

Keep on dreaming guys!

What You Can Do In A Lucid Dream!

There a ton of things you can do in a lucid dream! You can fly through the clouds or swim to the bottom of the ocean. You can box Muhammad Ali or sing in front of millions of people. The possibilities are endless. Some of my favorite things include flying, playing guitar on stage, exploring unknown places, meeting people, eating tons of delicious food!, and so on.

You can literally do anything you can imagine! I once had 360 vision. I could see all around me! It was a crazy experience and I loved it. Sure some of these things take practice but it is so much fun!

There is a great book that I use all the time to learn new techniques for dreaming! I actually used it to have my very first lucid dream. It is called "Lucid Dreaming The Easy Way". I really recommend it to anyone that wants to experience lucid dreams!

Thanks for reading and keep on dreaming!

Why Lucid Dreaming Is Cool!

Lucid Dreaming is about the biggest time saver on earth! We sleep for about 30% of our lives. That means we are missing out on about 30% of our time in this life. Why waste it unconscious!?

Life is a all about experiences and sleeping can be a great one. I lucid dream almost every night. I can literally do anything I want to! Anything is possible! I can fly through space, play bass for my favorite band, and even fight Godzilla if I wanted to! The fun just never ends!

I think everyone should lucid dream. I you don't, you are really missing out on something amazing.